Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Welcome to Granada

After the longest day, it feels so nice to finally be in Granada! My flights all went smoothly. Sophie (my roommate / travel companion) and I got into Madrid later than expected so our connection to Granada was a little tight but we arrived at the gate just in time. There was a big group of Tulane kids already waiting. We probably filled up half of the plane! My luggage arrived safely and the CEA staff was waiting to pick us up when we got there. We went straight to a meeting place where our host father, Francisco, was there to pick us up. After stuffing all of our luggage into a cab (believe me, there was a lot!), Francisco took us to his house where we met his wife, Aloana, and 1 1/2 year old daughter, Anna Clara. Our room is tiny but super cute! The closet fits a surprisingly large amount of clothes and I was relieved that I wouldn't have to live out of my suitcases for the next four months. We had lunch within a few hours of being here but Sophie and I were so nauseous from the plane rides that we barely ate anything. Francisco and Aloana are very, very friendly and kept telling us to make ourselves at home. Francisco is an architect and Aloana teaches physical education. Anna Clara is very fascinated by us and keeps following us around. Her baby Spanish is impossible to understand (for me anyway) but she is absolutely adorable! Francisco and Aloana loved the gifts we brought them (Sophie gave them an Elvis clock and I brought a silver tray). After lunch, we took a long siesta because neither one us slept on the plane. Francisco's 24 year old daughter from his first marriage, Christina, came over with her boyfriend for a minutes tonight to say hello. It's going to be interesting trying to adjust to the Spanish time zone and schedule but I'm excited to start exploring the city tomorrow!

Ana Clara

This is on the door to my room. Bienvenidas means welcome.

This is what you see when you look out the window of our room. It's hard to tell from this picture, but our window looks over a beautiful garden. 

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